What do babies really see?

Most of us, when we see a newborn baby, cannot resist the temptation to go and make mochains, to make it expensive or gesticular in front of them. But the reality is that, much as we strive for the vision of the newborn, it is so small that they will hardly appreciate our efforts to please them.

Vision between 1 and 2 months

In the first few months of life, babies are mainly guided by other senses such as smell and hearing. They are able to recognize the smell and voice of their parents. On the other hand, the vision is very small. They are not able to focus images. They see everything in black and white and very blurry. This is because at birth the visual system is still at a development stage. Structures such as the retina are still very immature, and it must take a few months for them to finish forming and begin to improve vision.

From the age of 2 the baby begins to develop the central retina, allowing it to better fix the sight. It begins to look inside objects, differentiate faces, and even begins to follow the movements of objects as it is able to discern contours better.

It also begins to see its hands and tries to coordinate them to achieve what it has in front. The neck is getting stronger and can hold its head better and thus also look.

View between 3 and 4 months old

In this period there is a noticeable improvement in vision. It coordinates the eyes and the approach much better. It also increases its depth perception. It can distinguish between distant and nearby objects better.

Visual quality is further increased by the fact that the first colors begin to appear. The baby has moved from a nearly 100% black-and-white view to discerning the most striking colours. That is why it is important for toys to be brightly coloured. This will stimulate the retina, which is responsible for distinguishing colors.

View from the fourth month

The eyes begin to work together and the images are already based on the retina in one. As a result, objects cease to be so blurred. They are able to keep their eyes fixed more easily. The pointing is improving and they are already able to hit nearby objects. The hand-eye coordination begins to work out of veritat.

Vision at 6 month old

It improves central vision. It is already capable of distinguishing a wide range of colors and is even capable of advancing on the trajectory of objects. That’s why we start to notice that he is excited to see us enter the room, because he knows we’re going to go there. And if we don’t, he’ll cry.

The combination of the acquisition of more muscle force and an increase in security, due to the improvement of vision, makes them dare to move on their own. It’s at this age when they start swimming.

The vision from one year old

By fulfilling the first year, the child’s vision has already matured almost entirely. Although it is true that up to the age of 5 the vision will continue to evolve and improve.

You are already sure enough to stand up and try to take your first steps.

The following image is very revealing. It is thanks to her that we can get an idea of how a child’s vision develops from the first few months of life to its first year. It is appreciated that vision evolves from abstract, black-and-white forms to a clear definition of contours and especially colors.

First visual checks

As of approximately 18 months, children can already make the first ophthalmological revisions. As long as we do not detect any visual flaws previously, such as constant tearing, inability to fix our eyes from the 4 months, uncontrolled swinging of the eye.

In these early revisions we can already detect such conditions as strabismus, vague eyes or refractive defects that can degenerate into more serious problems if they are not detected and treated in time.

Clínica Castanera