The importance of eyelid care


The main function of the eyelids is to protect our eyes. They protect them from possible impacts – in fact, the muscles that allow them to move are some of the fastest in the human body – but they also protect them from environmental factors such as excess heat, intense cold, etc.

With each blink, an oily substance is distributed over the entire surface of the eye which, together with tears, ensures that our eyes are always perfectly hydrated. In fact, when we stop blinking or do not blink often enough, our eyes become irritated and start to sting. You can do a quick test: try holding your eyes open for more than a minute. It stings, doesn’t it? Blinking is not a whim, it is an essential bodily necessity to keep the corneal surface in good condition.

As we have mentioned, the eyelids produce an oily substance that is distributed throughout the corneal surface. Specifically, this substance is generated in glands located inside the eyelids called Meibomian glands. It is this fatty component that prevents the tears from evaporating too quickly, so that the eye can remain well hydrated for longer.

The amount of this substance must always be in the right proportion. In other words, a lack of the fatty component in the tear makes it evaporate very easily and, therefore, gives us the sensation of having dry eyes, which forces us to blink much more frequently.

In the opposite case, an excess of oil in the tears causes blurred vision, which in the end has the same effect as in the previous case: the need to blink a lot to try to eliminate this excess oil and achieve better vision. Excess oil on the eyelids is called Seborrhoeic Blepharitis.

Furthermore, accumulating excess oil on the surface of the eye is a perfect breeding ground for the appearance of germs and bacteria that feed on this material. The effect of the presence of these germs and bacteria is the appearance of diseases such as conjunctivitis, keratitis or even sties.

Daily care

It is highly recommended to always take special care of the eyelids and keep them clean, especially for people with oily skin, who are more prone to accumulate oil in their eyes, and even more so if they wear contact lenses or are going to undergo some kind of eye surgery.

To maintain proper eyelid hygiene, there are different products on the market: from cleansing wipes to practical eyelid foams. The most important thing, as with the cleansing of other parts of the body, is to cleanse regularly.

Proper daily cleansing will prevent unsightly styes, falling eyelashes, red eyelids, and most importantly, poor vision and more serious infections such as conjunctivitis.

Clínica Castanera